About Collaborative Processes®

Collaborative Processes®  is a Colorado based organization (LLC) that helps parties and stakeholders begin and continue processes that help them find creative and useful approaches to their activities or if applicable to their conflicts.

Collaborative Processes®  was created in 2003, and functions through its principal, Joseph McMahon, P.E., JD. Joe McMahon is an experienced facilitator who has worked with numerous businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits/NGOs. In addition to Joe McMahon and as needed, Collaborative Processes® creates a team with other individuals or organizations to match client needs.

Example engagements

Joe McMahon, Manager:  I am married with two children and two grandchildren, and have advanced degrees in law and engineering. I moved to Colorado in 1962 to go the USAF Academy. After military service, I went to graduate school in Denver in engineering and, a few years later, in law. I practiced engineering in the early 70’s, and law through 2000. I began my work in mediation and facilitation in 1991, and received my mediation training from Gary Friedman and Jack Himmelstein of the Center for Understanding in Conflict.


  • National Roster of Environment Dispute Resolution and Consensus Building Professionals
  • American Arbitration Association (Denver, Energy, Construction, Large complex case panels)


  • Manager, Collaborative Processes LLC
  • Manager, Joseph P McMahon Jr. LLC, www.jpmcmahon.com
  • President, Inter-Mediation International, an international NGO, www.inter-mediation.org
  • Formerly a partner/lawyer at Davis Graham & Stubbs, Denver CO., USA (1978-2000)

McMahon CV